Associate Professor
Biogeochemistry and Modelling of the Earth System
Department of Geosciences, Environment and Society
Faculty of Sciences (ULB)
Area of research:
Biogeochemical Modeling
Solbosch Campus (map)
Building D, wing B, 4th floor
Office DB4.132
+32 (2) 650 22 17
Research summary
Although considerable progress has been made over the past decades in understanding and quantifying carbon cycle-climate feedbacks, many aspects of the global carbon cycle are still not well understood and, thus, very poorly resolved in Earth system models. This is particular true for the fate of (organic) carbon as it cycles through the Earth system and across its interfaces (such as the sediment-water, the ice-ocean or the land-ocean interface). Advancing our quantitative, mechanistic understanding of carbon (and associated inorganic and nutrient) cycling; using this understanding to improve Earth System Models and applying the improved models to assess the role of carbon cycle-climate feedbacks for past and future climate change is the foundation of my ongoing research.
Key publications
- Hülse D., Arndt S., Daines S., Regnier P. and Ridgwell A. (2018) OMEN-SED 1.0: a novel, numerically efficient organic matter sediment diagenesis module for coupling to Earth system models. Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 2649-2689, doi: 10.5194/gmd-11-2649-2018.
- Arndt, S., Jørgensen, B.B., LaRowe, D.E., Middelburg, J.J., and Regnier, P. 2013, Quantification of organic matter degradation in marine sediments: A synthesis and model review. Earth-Science Reviews, 123, 53-86, doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2013.02.008.
- Wadham, J.L., S. Arndt, S. Tulaczyk, M, Stibal, M. Tranter, A., Ridgwell, J. Telling, E. Lawson, A. Dubnick, M.J. Sharp, A.M Anesio, C. Butler. 2013, Potential methane reserves beneath Antarctica, Nature, 488, 633-637, doi: 10.1038/nature11374.
- Regnier, P., Friedlingstein, P., Ciais, P., Mackenzie, F.T., Gruber, N, Janssens, I., Laruelle, G., Lauerwald, R., Luyssaert, S., Andersson, A., Arndt, S., Arnosti, C., Borges, A., Dale, A., Gallego-Sala, A., Gooderis, Y., Hartmann, J., Heinze, C., Illyina, T., Joos, F., LaRowe, D., Leifeld, J., Meysman, F., Munhoven, G., Raymond, P., Spahni, R., Suntharalingam, P., Thullner, M., 2013, The anthrophogenic perturbation of the carbon fluxes from land to ocean. Nature Geosciences, 6, 597-607, doi: 10.1038/NGEO1830.
- Arndt, S., Hetzel, A., and Brumsack, H.-J., 2009. Evolution of organic matter degradation in Cretaceous black shales inferred from authigenic barite: a reaction-transport model. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73, 2000-2022, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2009.01.018.
GEOL-F104: Les temps géologiques : concepts et méthodes
GEOL-F205: Thermodynamique appliquée à la géologie
GEOL-F312: Projet de recherche et communication scientifique
GEOL-F428: The Earth System Modeling
Short CV
- Associate Professor: Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. 2016-present
- Assistant Professor : University of Bristol, Bristol, UK. 2012-2016
- Postdoctoral Fellow: NERC, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK. 2011-2014
- Postdoctoral Fellow: Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands. 2010-2011
- Postdoctoral Fellow: RUBICON, LMTG/CNRS Toulouse, France. 2008-2010
- PhD: Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands. 2008
- Diplom (MSc): Carl-von-Ossietzky Universitaet, Oldenburg, Germany. 2004