IGEOS seminars 2024-2025


Friday 28th March – 15:30 to 16:30 - room SDB4.245

"Micro-to-nanoscale insights into mineral-life interactions and their role in shaping the ancient and modern environment"

by Dr. Neha MEHTA (Microbiologist, BGEOSYS, ULB)



February 2025: "The rhythm in the rocks - Time, Climate and Anoxia" by Prof. Anne-Christine da SILVA (ULiège)

January 2025: "Thermomechanical behaviour of the Laurentide Ice Sheet: from analytical advances to a modelling approach" by Dr. Daniel MORENO (Glaciology Lab, ULB)

December 2024: "Probabilistic volcanic hazard assessment" by Dr. Pablo TIERZ (CSIC Geosciences, Spain)

November 2024: "Geodynamic history of Precambrian Africa" by Dr. Camille FRANCOIS (Royal Museum for Central Africa)

October 2024: "Deformational and thermochronological evolution of the Cubatäo Shear Zone: a crustal-scale shear zone of the Gondwana supercontinent" by Dr. Dina CABRITA (G-Time, ULB)

October 2024: "Tracing Nutrient Cycling from Glaciers to Polar Oceans" by Dr. Rhiannon JONES (British Antarctic Survey)